About Us...

Ness FC Social Club is located in Fivepenny, Ness, an area that boasts a number of fine sandy beaches, and splendid coastal walks, with majestic views over the Atlantic and Minch.
In addition to the Social Club, Ness contains facilities such as shops, sports centre. cafes, coffee shops and the very popular "Dunes" play park in Eoropie, just along the road from the club.
History of the Social Club
The resurgence of competitive football in Ness in the mid to late 70s coincided with, and may well have acted as a catalyst for, several other pioneering initiatives in the Ness area in later years. These included the setting up of Comunn Eachdraidh Nis, Co-Chomunn Nis, the first community co-operative in the Western Isles, and Pàipear Nis, a fortnightly local newsheet. It is also important to appreciate the significance of Cross Inn, the new licensed premises in Ness, as an alternative to the 'bothans' which had, by this time, come to be regarded as being socially unacceptable.
The realisation that the Ness Football Club had become the main focus for recreational development in Ness led the committee, in 1977, to consider building a Social Club on land given to the club by Fivepenny township. Whilst this idea appeared at first to have little chance of getting off the ground, the commitment and enthusiasm of a small number of people such as Sandy Maclean, Murdo "Luchag" Macritchie, James "Laoidhridh" Macleod and Donald A Mackenzie brought the project to reality.
Taking advantage of a Job Creation Scheme, followed by a STEP (Special Temporary Employment Programme) scheme, both run under the auspices of the Manpower Services Commission, work began on the project in June 1978 and was completed eighteen months later. The cost of the building, £50,000 in total, was funded by the football club, the Highlands and Islands Development Board, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and the Manpower Services Commission.
The premises was officially opened on 17 April 1980, with Iain "Buster" Maclean from Knockaird as its first very capable Club Steward. The extension at the Lionel end, comprising a new bar, a snooker room and a committee room, was opened in 1985.
As the hub of social activities for young and old alike, the Social Club has been an unqualified success, which, from its inception, has been a generous supporter of the football club and other local good causes. Equally importantly, it has benefited the local economy by creating a small number of jobs.